Revelation – The Roaring Lamb

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Revelation – The Roaring Lamb
Matthew Vander Ales of Founded in Truth Fellowship introduces a series on the Book of Revelation, framing it as a crucial, though sometimes uncomfortable, letter of resistance meant to instill hope in believers [1]. The core message, he asserts, is that Yeshua (Jesus) is King [2]. Revelation encourages faithfulness to King Yeshua and calls for repentance from those who have compromised their faith by aligning with the ways of the world’s empires, described as “the beast” [1]. This book provides hope to churches that resist these worldly ways, assuring them that God has not forsaken them, justice will prevail, and God’s plan will ultimately succeed [1].
The teaching emphasizes that understanding the historical context of Revelation is vital. It was written during a time when being a Christian in the Roman Empire was perilous, potentially leading to loss of property, rights, exile, or even life [1]. The initial audience, the seven churches in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), would have heard this entire scroll read aloud in one sitting, meant to embrace its overarching beauty rather than immediately dissect its symbolism [2].
The central theme for this particular teaching is witness, a word appearing seven times in Revelation and originating from the Greek word “martis” or “martyr” [2]. In the first century, bearing witness primarily meant proclaiming Yeshua as Lord and God, a title also used for Caesar [3]. This declaration, in thought, speech, and action, was seen as defiance against Rome and its societal structures, leading to various forms of punishment for those “outed” as believers [3].
Understanding Revelation’s Context
The Book of Revelation was written to seven specific churches in Asia Minor during a period when being a Christian carried significant risks within the Roman Empire [1]. These believers faced potential loss of their possessions, social standing, and even their lives for their faith [1]. The message was intended to be read aloud in its entirety to these congregations, allowing them to grasp the full scope of its message before focusing on individual details [2]. This historical backdrop of potential persecution and societal pressure is crucial for understanding the book’s themes of resistance, faithfulness, and hope [1].
The Central Theme: Yeshua is King
The overarching theme of Revelation is the kingship of Yeshua the Christ [2]. The concept of “witness,” central to this teaching, initially meant to bear testimony [2]. However, the act of bearing witness to Yeshua as Lord and God in the first-century Roman context often led to suffering, and the word “martyr” later became associated with those who died for their faith [2, 3].
Bearing Witness in Opposition to the “Beast”
Bearing witness in the early church was not merely a verbal affirmation but a complete way of life that stood in opposition to the norms of Roman society [3]. This involved rejecting the empire’s social hierarchy by practicing equality among believers, including slaves and women [3]. They defied the Roman value system by showing love to enemies, providing for the poor without expecting anything in return, and refusing to participate in the economic systems tied to pagan temples [3, 4].
The Throne Room Scene: Revelation 4-5
Chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation present a pivotal vision of the throne room in heaven, a scene echoed in the visions of prophets like Isaiah, Micah, Daniel, and Ezekiel [7]. This vision is the foundation from which all subsequent visions in Revelation flow [7]. The frequent mention of the “throne” (17 times in chapters 4-5 and 24 more throughout the book) emphasizes God’s ultimate sovereignty over human history [7].
The Message to the Seven Churches
The messages to the seven churches in Revelation (chapters 2 and 3) provide examples of how believers were either praised or criticized based on their faithfulness to this image of the conquering Lamb [11]. The church in Ephesus was commended for its doctrinal purity but rebuked for losing its first love and neglecting to share the love of Yeshua with the outside world [11, 12].
The “Here and Not Yet” and Its Implications
The early believers lived with an understanding of the “here and not yet”—the reality that the new creation had begun with Yeshua’s resurrection, yet the fullness of God’s kingdom was still to come [17, 18]. This perspective, rooted in Old Testament prophecies of a new world order, was transformed by the resurrection, which the apostles saw as the initial fulfillment of these grand expectations in the person of the Messiah [17].
Application for Everyday Life
- Bear Witness Boldly: Proclaim Yeshua as Lord through your words and actions, even when it is unpopular or carries risks [3, 11].
- Resist Worldly Compromise: Identify and reject aspects of the surrounding culture that contradict the ethics of God’s kingdom, such as social injustice, inequality, and materialism [1, 16].
- Embrace Self-Sacrificial Love: Follow the example of the slain Lamb by showing love, mercy, and generosity, even to your enemies [10, 11].
- Prioritize God’s Kingdom: Focus on the values and principles of the coming new creation in your daily life, rather than solely on earthly concerns [7, 18].
- Maintain Doctrinal Integrity and Love: Balance a commitment to sound teaching with a genuine love for God and others, both within and outside the church community [11, 12].
- Persevere Through Hardship: Remain faithful to Yeshua even in the face of suffering, knowing that God is sovereign and will ultimately bring justice [7, 12].
The message of Revelation, as presented by Matthew Vander Ales, is a powerful call to live as witnesses of the reigning King Yeshua in the midst of a world often opposed to His rule. It encourages believers to resist the allure of compromise with worldly systems, to embody the self-sacrificial love of the Lamb who conquered, and to hold fast to the hope of the coming new creation.
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