Founded in truth Fellowship Logo

Messianic Children's Ministry

Messianic Children's Nursery Ministry


Our nursery program allows parents of infants to enjoy services without distraction or partake in the accommodation of having a “safe area” to breastfeed and take care of their young ones.

Rock hill Church preschooler ministry

FIT Preschoolers

4-5 years

Fit Preschoolers learn about the Love of Yeshua, basic biblical stories, and themes through play, song, and crafts. 

Early Elementary School Church ministry

Early Elementary Class

6-8 years


Fit Kids Class will dive into Yahweh’s word and learn scriptures, bible principles, and develop a love for Yeshua.  
Upper Elementary Class Rock Hill Church Ministry

Upper Elementary Class

9-11 years

This Fit Kids Class will dig deeper into God’s word while having fun, creative, and thought-provoking classes.  Kids will learn the importance of Yeshua, Yahweh’s word, and loving others.  

“Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.”
Psalm 127:3

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