The Temple: Things You Did Not Know
The Temple: Things You Did Not Know
**Teaching Overview**
This teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, given by Pastor Matthew Vanderels, explores lesser-known facts about the Temple and connects them to a Christian’s identity and purpose. The teaching emphasizes the believer’s role as a “temple of the Holy Spirit” and an “ambassador for Christ”, focusing on the transformative power of the Gospel and the responsibility it places on Christians.
**Applying the Teaching to Everyday Life:**
- Embracing Our Identity: Just as the Temple was the meeting place of God and man, Christians, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, are now God’s dwelling place. Recognizing this should influence how we live, prompting us to live holy and set apart lives.
- Reflecting Christ to Others: As ambassadors, we represent Christ to the world. Our behavior, attitudes, and words should reflect His character, exhibiting grace, love, and forgiveness.
- Sharing the Message of Reconciliation: Our primary job as Christians is to be ministers of reconciliation, sharing the good news that through Christ, the exile caused by sin is over and we can have intimacy with God.
- Living with Purpose: Knowing our identity and purpose as believers, we should live intentionally, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us, impacting the world around us for God’s Kingdom.
- Deuteronomy (curse of the law and exile)
- Exodus 27 (dimensions of the altar)
- 1 Chronicles 28:11 (David giving Solomon the Temple blueprint)
- 2 Chronicles 4:1 (Solomon building a larger altar)
- 2 Chronicles 4:7 (Solomon creating ten lampstands)
- Ezekiel (description of the Temple)
- Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord’s Prayer)
- Matthew 25 (the separation of the sheep and the goats)
- Matthew 26:30 (Peter’s denial of Jesus before the rooster crows)
- John 2:18 (Jesus referring to Himself as the Temple)
- Acts 21:21-26 (early believers still participating in Temple rituals)
- Romans (discussion on sin and freedom in Christ)
- 1 Corinthians 6:19 (believers as the temple of the Holy Spirit)
- 2 Corinthians 5:14 (the ministry of reconciliation)
**Other Sources:**
- Mishnah
- Baba Kama (raising chickens in Jerusalem)
- Yoma (removing ashes from the altar at cockcrow)
- Sukkah (trumpet signals at cockcrow)
- Josephus, *The Jewish War* 6 (Titus’ siege of the Temple)
- Rabbeinu Bachya (commentary on the ten lampstands)
**Recommended Resources:**
- (Joseph Goode)
- (Ryan White)
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Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link here.
Founded in Truth Fellowship
1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 627-8623
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