Torah Portion: Ki Tisa
Torah Portion: Exodus 30:11–34:35
Prophets: 1 Kings 18:1–39
New Testament: John 2:13-22
Overview: “Ki Tisa” includes the census requiring a half-shekel contribution, instructions for the bronze laver, and the anointing oil. The golden calf incident dominates this portion, showing Israel’s failure to remain faithful. Moses intercedes for the people, and God reveals His attributes of mercy. The covenant is renewed as Moses receives the second set of tablets.
Commentary: This portion reveals both human weakness and God’s immense mercy. The golden calf episode demonstrates the danger of impatience and idolatry, but Moses’ intercession reflects the power of advocacy before God. For Messianic believers, Yeshua embodies the ultimate intercessor, standing in the gap for humanity. God’s proclamation of His mercy and compassion points to His desire for restoration, even after failure.