The Time is Now – The Book of Esther
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The Time is Now – The Book of Esther
Understanding the Book of Esther
Matthew Vander Els from Founded in Truth Fellowship offers a fresh perspective on the Book of Esther, suggesting that it is a brilliantly crafted narrative that should be understood as a satirical political drama rather than a straightforward historical account. He admits that he initially disliked the book, finding it redundant and dull, particularly the sequence of Esther’s two banquets. However, he came to realize that the Bible contains diverse genres of literature written by creative ancient people, and approaching each story with the same monotone and literal interpretation can lead to missing its deeper meaning.
Vander Els emphasizes that many biblical stories were originally transmitted orally and were likely acted out with drama and humor. He draws a parallel to movies, comparing serious films like Schindler’s List with satires like Jojo Rabbit or The Great Dictator, which convey similar messages through different genres. Similarly, Braveheart and Robin Hood: Men in Tights both address the theme of standing up to tyranny but do so with vastly different tones.
Applying this understanding to the Book of Esther reveals its over-the-top characters, ironic twists, and foolish situations, all of which contribute to a profound message about divine providence, justice, and the consequences of wielding power foolishly. While the story is not fictional, its framing emphasizes a larger point: when human power fails, God’s providence prevails.
The Narrative of Esther as a Satirical Political Drama
The story begins in Persia with King Ahasuerus (Xerxes), depicted as a buffoonish ruler more interested in displaying his wealth through a six-month-long, drunken party than governing his empire effectively. His demand for Queen Vashti to parade herself before his intoxicated guests leads to her refusal and a kingdom-wide crisis. The king’s advisors, fearing widespread disobedience from women, convince him to banish Vashti and issue a decree that all wives must obey their husbands, a response Matthew Vander Els finds hysterically ironic.
To replace Vashti, the king holds a massive beauty contest, a process that Matthew Vander Els highlights as another example of the story’s dark undertones and abuse of power. Among the contestants is Hadassah, or Esther, a Jewish orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai. Their Babylonian names, Ishtar and Marduk, foreshadow the story’s darker aspects despite its satirical nature. Esther wins the contest but keeps her Jewish identity a secret.
Meanwhile, Mordecai uncovers an assassination plot against the king but receives no recognition. The narrative then introduces Haman, the prime minister, portrayed as a vain, power-hungry, and insecure character reminiscent of Gaston and Jafar. When Mordecai refuses to bow to him, Haman’s irrational response is to seek the annihilation of the entire Jewish people. He decides the date for this genocide by casting lots, known as “pur” in Hebrew, which is the origin of the holiday of Purim, a celebration of the casting of lots.
Haman manipulates the clueless King Ahasuerus into approving the genocide without even specifying which group he is targeting. The king, in a display of his incompetence, simply hands his signet ring to Haman, granting him unchecked authority.
The Turning Point and Divine Providence
The great reversal begins when Mordecai convinces Esther that she must intervene, leading to the central message of the book: “Perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this”. Despite the danger of approaching the king uninvited, Esther decides to act. The king welcomes her and grants her any request, up to half his kingdom. Instead of immediately revealing Haman’s plot, Esther invites the king and Haman to a banquet and then requests a second banquet the following day. This delay builds tension and keeps the reader engaged.
While waiting, Haman, still enraged by Mordecai’s defiance, builds a ridiculously tall 75-foot impalement stake to execute him. That night, the sleepless king has his servants read the royal records, where he discovers that Mordecai saved his life but was never rewarded. Just as Haman enters to suggest honors for himself, the king asks Haman what should be done for a man the king wishes to honor. Assuming it is himself, Haman proposes a royal parade, which the king orders him to conduct for Mordecai. This event is a moment of profound comedic humiliation for Haman.
At the second banquet, Esther reveals her Jewish identity and Haman’s plot to exterminate her people. The king, slow to process this information, steps outside to consider what to do. Haman, realizing he is exposed, falls on Esther, begging for his life. Upon returning, the king misinterprets this as an assault and orders Haman to be impaled on the very stake he had prepared for Mordecai.
Because Persian laws could not be undone, the king could not revoke the decree to kill the Jews. Instead, he issued a new law allowing the Jews to defend themselves on the appointed day. The Jews were victorious over their enemies. Mordecai is elevated to prime minister, and Esther establishes the annual festival of Purim to commemorate this deliverance.
A significant literary twist in the Book of Esther is that God is never explicitly mentioned. However, Matthew Vander Els argues that God’s presence is evident throughout the story in the perfectly timed coincidences, ironic reversals, and the survival of the Jewish people. Esther illustrates how God works behind the scenes through ordinary people and everyday events. To the author, the story is a divine comedy demonstrating how foolish power leads to downfall, pride results in ruin, justice arrives through ironic reversals, and God acts through human agency even when unseen.
Application for Everyday Life
The message of the Book of Esther remains relevant for Christians today, particularly in times of political instability and moral confusion. It reminds us that even when God seems absent, He is working behind the scenes. We must be ready to step into the moment God has prepared for us, “for such a time as this”.
- Recognize God’s Providence: Understand that God is often at work even when His presence is not obvious. Look for the “divine coincidences” in your life.
- Embrace Your Position: Realize that you are in your current circumstances for a reason. God can use you, regardless of how unqualified you may feel.
- Be Courageous: Like Esther, be prepared to act when the time calls for it, even in the face of danger. Do not shrink back from doing what is right.
- Stand Against Injustice: Be an emissary for God’s kingdom by speaking out against wrongdoing and helping those in need.
- Find Joy in Deliverance: Remember that God turns things upside down and brings justice in unexpected ways. Embrace the joy and even the ridiculousness of celebrating His victories in your life.
The choice to act or remain silent is ours. We can choose to be soldiers and ambassadors for the kingdom of heaven, standing firm against sin and injustice. Just as Esther chose to step in, we too can choose to allow God to use us for His purposes.
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