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This week we explore a chapter in Matthew's gospel account that is often taken out of context to further the spirit fear when in reality, it is a message of hope. In this chapter, Yeshua instructs His followers to do two things when the world seems to be on fire and out of control. Join us as we explore Matthew 24. When tribulation comes, how should Christian believers respond? 

Generation of Unbelief

July 24, 2021
Have you ever wondered why there seem to be so many people today offended by Jesus and his message? A look into Matthew 11 shows that many of the world’s population - even the greatest of religious leaders - can be offended by what Jesus came teaching and preaching, all in the face of clear evidence. But why are people sometimes so offended and refuse to believe in him? People refuse to believe because within them lies an issue at the very core of their being: their heart. In this sermon, we will answer three questions concerning the unbelief of those opposed to the Gospel: What is unbelief? How does unbelief operate? How do we overcome unbelief?

The Lens of the Cross

June 26, 2021
As we make our way through the Sermon on the Mount, we discover some radical teachings by Jesus concerning how we are to view and treat other people in regards to bitterness, hatred, and violence. We will also be looking at Paul's striking discussion on living in a new reality in light of Yeshua and looking at the world through the lens of what took place on Calvary.

Our Father

June 19, 2021
Join us for services this Saturday, June 19th, at Founded in Truth Fellowship. We are excited to dive into this week's Torah portion, engage in collective worship, and take a look at one of the most common metaphors that are used to describe God as a father. This description is used in the Old Testament as a way to shock the culture that existed at that time. Yeshua Himself also encouraged us to view our relationship with God as our father so that we could grasp the fullness of intimacy found in a relationship with Him.

The Salt of the Earth?

May 15, 2021
Join us as we take a look at what Yeshua means when He says "you are the salt of the earth". Does this really mean we are a seasoning or do the scriptures give us a clearer context? When we explore this question we may be surprised at what Yeshua truly calls His followers to do.

Traps in the Bible

October 26, 2020
In this Messianic teaching, Matthew speaks about how the biblical authors intentionally told stories that caused the readers to reflect on a deep emotional level. Don't fall into these traps!

The Hate We Love

September 12, 2020
This Messianic teaching explores how we sometimes allow our emotions of anger or hatred cloud our pursuit of love given by Yeshua.

The Cost of Passover

March 28, 2020
This week, we dive into the core message behind Passover, the baffling, unintuitive message of the gospel, and what the price of Passover truly is. We hope this message helps…


March 16, 2019
The Great Commission is often perceived to be about simple beliefs concerning telling the world about Jesus. But, what did Jesus actually tell His disciples to go and do? Join…
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