Yom Teruah | Day of Trumpets Biblical Feast 2023

Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, United States

Join us at Founded in Truth Fellowship on Saturday, September 17th, at 10:00 AM as we celebrating the Day of Trumpets. A light breakfast weill be served starting at 10:00 AM following by worship services at 11:00 AM.

Yom Kippur Celebration | Day of Atonement 2023

Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, United States

Join us Sunday, September 24th at 7:00 PM for our annual Yom Kippur worship service. This will be a more minimal service to honor the day.

Yom Kippur, known as the Day of Atonement, stands as the holiest day in the Hebrew calendar. While primarily observed by Jews, many Messianic Christians also recognize its profound significance, particularly in relation to Yeshua (Jesus). This article explores the essence of Yom Kippur and its deep ties to the Messiah.

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