“God sets the lonely in families” – Psalm 68:6

founded in truth foster and adoption ministry


foster parent with her foster child

FIT Foster Care ministry

Do you have a heart for vulnerable children? Have you been seeking a way to help those in need? Well, then we are the ministry for you. FIT FAM exists to serve the lonely and broken by surrounding foster families with love and support. Whether you’re seeking more information about how to become a foster parent, or you want to get involved to ease the burden of those in foster care, you can join one of our care communities to see first hand how prayer and a meal make a difference.

adoptive parent

Caring for His Children

Here at Founded in Truth, we understand that being the hands and feet of Yeshua is not just “a weekend thing”, but a lifestyle. We are proud to have a community that supports each other in that pursuit.

By joining a FIT FAM care community you are committing to a year of serving a foster family whether that’s bringing a meal once a month or providing weekly childcare. The possibilities are endless and limited only by the time you are able to give. Show your love by knowing the needs of the families in our community and find where you FIT. It’s time we become the hands and feet of our Messiah and serve those who “…place the lonely in families” (Psalm 68:6)

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