PAUL: Evolution of 1st century Judaism
Give Now Podcast Transcript Message recorded live on Sep 15, 2015 PAUL: Evolution of 1st Century Judaism **Hellenism’s Enduring Impact on Jewish Thought and Practice** This teaching
Message recorded live on Sep 15, 2015
This teaching by Matthew Vander Els explores the historical and social context of the Apostle Paul’s teachings on women in the early church, particularly those found in 1 Corinthians 11 and 1 Timothy 2. Vander Els argues that these passages, often interpreted as restricting women’s roles in church, were actually addressing specific issues arising from the influence of Roman culture on early Christians, particularly the emergence of “New Women” challenging societal norms.
Vander Els highlights the emergence of a social group in Roman society known as the “New Women.” These women, often of high social status, were pushing back against traditional expectations of modesty and submissiveness, embracing a lifestyle that challenged the patriarchal norms of the time.
He posits that this cultural shift created tension within the early church as some Christian women, influenced by the “New Women” movement, began to disregard traditional norms of dress and behavior, leading to confusion and misinterpretations, especially in the context of public gatherings and interactions with non-believers.
Vander Els explains that Roman law during this period prohibited women from intervening in legal matters, speaking in public assemblies, or taking on roles traditionally held by men. He suggests that Paul’s instructions regarding women’s silence in church might be related to these societal restrictions, aimed at avoiding unnecessary conflict and persecution.
Vander Els argues that Paul’s instructions about head coverings were not about inherent modesty but rather about social signaling in the Roman context. Covering their heads would have identified Christian women as distinct from the “New Women” and their immodest attire.
He interprets Paul’s calls for women to be silent and submissive within the context of the disruptive behavior of some women in the church, who were challenging the authority of male leaders and causing division.
Vander Els suggests that this controversial verse in 1 Timothy 2:15 may be addressing the practice of abortion, which was prevalent among the “New Women” seeking to maintain their freedom and social standing.
When studying scripture, it’s vital to consider the historical and cultural background to avoid misinterpretations and misapplications of biblical principles.
We should regularly evaluate our motivations for learning and sharing our faith, ensuring that our actions are driven by a genuine desire to edify others and bring them closer to God, rather than seeking personal recognition or dominance.
We should strive to foster unity and humility within our faith communities, recognizing that God values the contributions of all believers, regardless of gender.
Bible Verses: 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Timothy 2:9-15, Titus 1:10-11, Romans 16:1-2
Historical Figures and Sources: Augustus Caesar, Seneca, Plutarch, Musonius Rufus
Academic Resources: Roman Wives, Roman Widows by Bruce W. Winter, Paul and the Empire, The Ancient Bridge website by Tyler Rosenquist
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Give Now Podcast Transcript Message recorded live on Sep 15, 2015 PAUL: Evolution of 1st Century Judaism **Hellenism’s Enduring Impact on Jewish Thought and Practice** This teaching
Saturday at 11:00 am
(Except 1st Saturday of the month)
Founded In Truth Ministries • 1689 Springsteen Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29730