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Join us as we continue our study of the Book of Revelation. This week we dive into the culmination of John's vision which is the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is the cosmic portrayal of heaven on earth where God dwells intimately with mankind. Inside, the tree of life blossoms, providing healing and restoration while outside, those who have distanced themselves from citizenship. What can we learn from these chapters and how do they apply to us today?
The Book of Esther. In anticipation of Purim this week, we take a look at the story of Esther, Mordechai, Haman, and King Ahasuerus. The story of Esther has an incredibly controversial past due to the secular and explicit scenes, gruesome violence, and themes of farce humor. God is never mentioned directly or indirectly in the entire narrative, or is there a focus on religious elements? Join us as we take another look at this mysterious book and discover not only the presence of God but hidden parallels to the temple, Israel, and exile.
We continue our journey through the Book of Revelation this week as we look at some of the more gruesome, bloody, and violent images in John's apocalypse. The two witnesses being killed in the streets, Yeshua returning with a sword to defeat His enemies and the winepress that produces an ocean of blood are just a few of the disturbing images John pens. How do we approach these scenes and what does God's wrath look like at the end of days? Revelation was written to be a letter of non-violent resistance in the face of evil empires. John was encouraging the seven churches, and future Christians, to protest through the resistance of empirical influence through means of subversive non-violent witness. This message is about non-violence in the book of revelation. Join us as we dive into the word and discover how these images help us stand firm in living out the witness of Christ in our lives.
Join us this Saturday, January 12th, at 11:00 AM EST for Founded in Truth Fellowship services. We are excited to exalt King Yeshua in worship and praise, review this week's Torah Portion, and dive into one of the most discussed topics in the Book of Revelation. In our last message on the Book of Revelation, we discussed the Mark of the Beast, the beast of the land, and the implications of nationalistic idolatry in contrast to allegiance to the Kingdom of God. Join us as we continue this topic and explore the number 666, what it means, what it doesn't mean, and how it can change the way we view the world today. The number six hundred and sixty-six has long been a number of controversy. 666 appears in John's letter to the seven churches in Asia Minor, representing either the number of "a man" or "the number of humanity". It seemed to be intended for his audience to associate with the beast that symbolizes the power of empire and its insatiable hunger for wealth, power, and conquest. What does 666 mean? What does it mean for Christians today?
Join us this Saturday, January 15th, at 11:00 AM EST for services at Founded in Truth Fellowship. We are excited to exalt King Yeshua in worship and praise, review this week's Torah Portion and dive into one of the more controversial topics within the Book of Revelation. We continue our series through Revelation and explore one of the more controversial topics within John's vision, The Mark of the Beast. What is the Mark of the Beast? Is it some computer chip, visa credit cards, new medical technology? Or is it something far more sinister? We also explore who the two beasts are that are given power from the dragon in Revelation 13 and why it is a sobering reality for churches today, especially those deceived by Christian Nationalism.
We continue our series on the Book of Revelation this week and dive into Revelation 12 where we find an apocalyptic nativity scene. Here there are no shepherds, no animals surrounding the child, and no wisemen. Instead, there is a dragon that attempts to eat the child, the madonna engulfed by the sun, and the angel Michael engaging in cosmic warfare. Here, John interprets the nativity story as a violent night, instead of a silent one. In this version of the birth of Christ, the cosmos erupt in battle. It is in this chapter that believers get a glimpse of the true reality of what took place in a manger that evening in Bethlehem.
We continue our series on the Book of Revelation this week and uncover the identity of the 144,000, where John gets this number from in the Old Testament, and what it means for us today. The 144,000 has been a topic of great debate, depending on the tradition it is viewed through. Join us as we discover how applicable the chapter is for believers today but also, the hope that is waiting to be revealed to the reader.
Join us for services at Founded in Truth Fellowship this Saturday, Oct. 23rd at 11:00 am EST. We cannot wait to join together in communal worship, dive into this week's Torah Portion, and continue discovering how we can live out God's word in our everyday lives. We continue our series on the Book of Revelation this week as we dive into the seven seals broken by the "slain lamb king" in chapter 6. Each seal brings forth a disturbing vision of God's wrath, including four horsemen that are more than meets eye. We will also discover the connection between these seals, the seven bowls, and the seven trumpets signifying similar visions. The most disturbing section, however, will be the weighty message these images give to believers today.
Join us for services at Founded in Truth Fellowship this Saturday, Oct. 30th at 11:00 am EST. We cannot wait to join together in communal worship, dive into this week's Torah Portion, and continue discovering how we can live out God's word in our everyday lives. We continue our series on the Book of Revelation this week and continue our study of the two witnesses in Revelation 11 as well as discover the theme of "temple" throughout the New Testament as well as in the Book of Revelation. For two thousand years, the temple in Revelation has been a topic of debate. Is it a literal temple that will be rebuilt? Is it symbolic? What about the 42 months? We hope to get clarity as we let scripture define scripture as well as walk away with a real life application.
This week, we continue our series in the Book of Revelation and explore how John emphasizes an overarching theme throughout the Bible concerning the defeat of Babylon. In John's visions, he sees this being achieved through believers bearing witness of the Lordship of Yeshua in the face of kingdoms that have been swayed by the promise of Evil. How do we bear witness of our King? John's vision where the Lion of Judah is displayed as a graphicly slain lamb standing in the throne of God may hold the key.
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